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化学化工学院“交流、合作、共赢”主题学术论坛月系列活动之二 10月29日 扬帆楼135报告厅
2017-10-27 12:10   姜赛 审核人:

报告题目:From Maxwell’s displacement current to nanogenerator driven self-powered systems and blue energy






王中林,中科院北京纳米能源与系统研究所所长和首席科学家、中科院外籍院士、欧洲科学院院士、佐治亚理工学院终身校董事讲席教授、Hightower终身讲席教授, 中组部首位“千人计划” 顶尖人才和团队入选者、北京市首位“海聚工程” 战略科学家、 教育部长江学者讲座教授、 中国首批国家自然科学基金会海外优秀青年科学家基金获得者。


王中林院士在国际学术界受到高度认可,他已在国际一流刊物上发表1300多篇论文(其中发表在《科学》、《自然》及其子刊上的文章40余篇),拥有200项专利、7部专著和20余部主编书籍、会议文集。他的学术论文已被引用11.5万次以上,被引用H因子(h-index)达167。王中林院士是世界上在材料和纳米技术领域论文引用次数最多的前3位作者之一,在当今世界最杰出的科学家排名榜上位列第25名。同时,他还是国际纳米能源领域著名刊物Nano Energy的发刊主编和现任主编。


Self-powered system is a system that can sustainably operate without an external power supply for sensing, detection, data processing and data transmission. Nanogenerators (NG) were first developed for self-powered systems based on piezoelectric effect and triboelectrification effect for converting tiny mechanical energy into electricity, which have applications in internet of things, environmental/infrastructural monitoring, medical science, environmental science and security. Here, we first present the fundamental theory of the NGs starting from the Maxwell equations. In the Maxwell’s displacement current, the term E ?E/?t gives the birth of electromagnetic wave, which is the foundation of wireless communication, radar and later the information technology. Our study indicates that, owing to the presence of surface polarization charges present on the surfaces of the dielectric media in NG, an additional term (?P_s)/?t should be added in the Maxwell’s displacement current, which is the output electric current of the NG. Therefore, our NGs are the applications of Maxwell’s displacement current in energy and sensors. NGs have three major application fields: micro/nano-power source, self-powered sensors and blue energy. We will present the applications of the NGs for harvesting all kind mechanical energy that is available but wasted in our daily life, such as human motion, walking, vibration, mechanical triggering, rotating tire, wind, flowing water and more. Then, we will illustrate the networks based on triboelectric NGs for harvesting ocean water wave energy, for exploring its possibility as a sustainable large-scale power supply. Lastly, we will show that NGs as self-powered sensors for actively detecting the static and dynamic processes arising from mechanical agitation using the voltage and current output signals.


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